EVEN MORE | Flex Offices
6790 EMBARCADERRO | Carlsbad, California, USA
[10,000 square feet] | Located in an energizing area, right by the Pacific Ocean, grab a bite at the local restaurants or borrow one of our surfboards and head to the beach. Designed by Colkitt Architecture with Creative Direction by Lucas G Martin, CommonGrounds.
1890 WYNKOOP | Denver, Colorado, USA
[11,000 square feet] | A fully renovated space featuring an open layout with exposed wood features, this location sits in Denver’s LoDo district, across from Union Station. Designed by Unknown firm TBD with Creative Direction by Lucas G Martin, CommonGrounds.
145 BROADWAY | Long Beach, California, USA
[11,000 square feet] | In the heart of downtown, this location is just blocks from the beach and adjacent to East Village and North Pine, so there is never a dull moment. Designed by Colkitt Architecture with Creative Direction by Lucas G Martin, CommonGrounds.
630 FOURTEENTH | Portland, Oregon, USA
[14,000 square feet] | Situated in Portland’s vibrant Pearl District, this historic building has undergone an urban renaissance like its neighhood, making it a landmark workspace. Designed by Rapt Studio with Creative Direction by Lucas G Martin, CommonGrounds.
132 STATE | Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
[20,000 square feet] | Set in the historic Orpheum Theater with classic architecture, this location is a premier business destination in downtown Salt Lake City’s Regent District. Designed by Rapt Studio with Creative Direction by Lucas G Martin, CommonGrounds.